Our vision at Arbor Drive is to see everyone connected UP in relationship with God, IN fellowship with believers, in order to go OUT to advance the gospel.
Up, in and out. These three words encapsulate our vision. Each one is essential and they build upon one another. They provide the foundation for what it means to be a Christian.
UP - The greatest need of humanity is to be reconciled to God. We were created to know and enjoy him but because of sin, we have been separated from him. God does not leave us there though. The good news of the gospel is that God comes to us to rescue us and reconcile us to himself. He is the goal and gift of the gospel. Christ came to redeem us and include us in the family of God. Paul puts it this way in Romans 5:8, “while we were still sinner, Christ died for us”. God came to us. Through faith in Christ we are reconciled to God and adopted into his family. Therefore, the greatest need of humanity is met and we get God for eternity. The gospel is central and essential to the whole of the Christian life. We don’t outgrow it.
IN - God gives us himself, but he also gives us each other. Being connected to the family of God is essential to help us grow in our faith and relationship with God. God didn’t save us to walk through life as a Christian in isolation. He saved us to be a part of the community of faith… to be a part of the family of God. Being part of this family means that we encourage one another, point each other to Christ, remind each other of the gospel and help one another apply it in our lives. God designed us to minister to and care for one another. His plan is that he would use other believer to grow us and would use us to grow other believers. The local body, and relationships within the local body is an essential part of God’s design for us to know and enjoy him more and grow/persevere in the faith (Ephesians 4:11-14)
OUT - The main means by which the gospel reaches people is the people of God sharing the gospel. We come to know God through faith in Christ, we help one another grow in that faith and know him more, and all of that is so that we might share this good news with others who need to be connected in relationship with God. As we treasure and trust Christ more, we should desire for others who don’t know him to do the same. Believers are God’s plan to take the gospel to those who are alienated from him. We have a mission. Both up and in serve the great goal of taking this good news of salvation and reconciliation to others (Matt 29:18-20).
This is our vision. This is what we are about. We are about the gospel. We are about knowing and enjoying God. We are about helping one another treasure and trust Christ more. We are about inviting others into the fellowship and peace with God we enjoy. We are about the mission of Christ.
1527 N. Blackburn Ave. York, Nebraska 68467
(402) 362-3491
Sunday Schedule
9am - All ages Sunday School (during the school semesters)
10:30am - Worship service
What to expect on Sunday morning
We treasure Christ together through worship in song. The music we sing is Christ-centered and aimed at reminding us of the worth and value of Christ, stirring us to greater faith in Christ, and encouraging one another through singing together. The focus of our music is on content over style. We sing the word.
You will find people who dress very differently at our Sunday morning gatherings. We believe that God looks at the heart and we want people to come without any pressure to dress a certain way.
We treasure Christ together through worship in the word. We preach expositional, Christ-centered, gospel-saturated sermons that are aimed at awakening faith, stirring affections, and calling us to respond through applying the gospel to our lives. We preach the word.
Welcome Desk
When you walk in the door as a new guest, expect to be greeted warmly and directed to the welcome desk. This is where you can find information about Arbor Drive, ask questions, or find out how to get plugged in. You can also pick up activity bags for your younger kids and sermon note sheets for your older kids.
We treasure Christ together through worship in prayer. We pray that God would reveal new things from his word, that the Holy Spirit would encourage and convict our hearts, and that we would be given the grace to respond in faith to that conviction. We pray that Christ would be magnified in our lives and that we would know him more. We pray the word.
We offer Nursery (located down the long hallway from the worship center) for children up to age 3. We take the care and security of your children seriously and so we ask that you check your kids in and hold on to the ticket you get. You will need it to pick your child up after service. If you would like to keep your child in the service, you are welcome to do so. We also offer activity bags and sermon note sheets for kids to keep them engaged during the service. A family room is located across from the Nursery where the service is life-streamed and there is an activity table for your kids if you would like to take advantage of that. Just know we don’t find kids in the worship service a distraction but view them being there as a blessing.
“The greatest news in the universe is that our sovereign and holy God did not leave us in our sin and rebellion but came to us in order to reconcile us to himself that we might enjoy him forever”
Let's Chat.
We would love to answer any questions you have or talk with you. To get in contact with us you can fill out the form below or call us and we would love to talk with you.