Upcoming Events
Hymn of the Month
Verse of the Month
Bible Reading Plan
Children’s Memory Verses
Sunday School - The final meeting of Sunday school for the fall semester will be November 24th.
If you would like to volunteer to cook a turkey for our Thanksgiving potluck, please let Kelly know (kelly@arbordrive.org). You can pick up a turkey and a serving tray from the office on Sunday.
If you would like to contribute financially to Operation Christmas Child, please do so by this Sunday, November 17th. Please designate “Christmas Child” on your online donation or your envelope. If you would like to fill a box yourself, they are available at the Welcome Desk along with detailed packing instructions. Return them to the church office by 11/21 or direct to Emmanuel Lutheran Church by 11/22.
Charles Leiter and his wife, Mona, from Kirksville, Mo., will visit our church this Sunday to preach and lead the adult Sunday school class. Charles has been a pastor for over 40 years, and his book Justification & Regeneration was greatly appreciated in the men's book study.
The annual Budget & Election Meeting will take place following service on Sunday, December 8th. All members are encouraged to attend. We will release the slate and proposed budget in mid-late November.
We are continuing the To The Word Bible Reading Challenge. This is a great opportunity to engage with scripture, improve daily habits, and be quite literally on the same page as the believers around you in community. The scheduled readings for this week can be found below; if you've fallen behind or haven't started yet, don't worry about backtracking--just jump right in!
From Jon - I am overwhelmed by your generosity to me and my family in October. I was humbled and we were blessed by your generosity in pastor appreciation month. I often find things like this personally challenging because I love what I do and find joy in it and don’t see it as worthy of any special recognition, especially when I consider the ways that I often fall short in this role. I am simply using the gifts God has given me in what he has called me to do. That said, your generosity was an unexpected blessing and I wanted to express my genuine gratitude and appreciation for the way you have blessed myself and my family, not only in your gift in October, but in various other ways throughout the year. I am thankful to be a member of this church and to be a part of how God is working here, which certainly includes your ministry to me and my family. Thank you.