Treasuring and Trusting Christ Together
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Question 2 (January 8, 2023)

Q: What is God?

A: God is the creator and sustainer of everyone and everything. He is eternal, infinite, and unchangeable in his power and perfection, goodness and glory, wisdom, justice, and truth. Nothing happens except through him and by his will.

MEMORY PASSAGE: Psalm 86:8-10, 15

There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours. All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. . . . But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

Family Teaching Guide

DAY 1:

Recite question and answer then read the memory passage.

The second question deals with who God is. All people throughout history have worshiped someone or something. We are made to worship and we cannot help but worship. Many cultures made up gods to worship. Many people today make their own gods to worship. This question deals with the one true God and who He is.

ASK: What are some examples of things people worship?

DISCUSS: There is nothing better in the world to talk about than God. But we must be careful when we talk about God because we can make up a god who we like and are comfortable with. The Bible tells us who God is because the Bible is the special way that he reveals himself and tells us what he is like. It is really important to understand that we get to know God throughout the entire Bible because the whole Bible is telling us who God is and what He is like. This second answer lists some characteristics of God. These are not all of the attributes of God but they tell us a little about who he is. All of his attributes go together and all of them are important. So as we read the Bible, we should be looking first to see what it says about God and who he is. We must let the Bible tell us who God is and what he is like and we are responsible to believe and trust that he really is all those things. God is go majestic and wonderful that we could spend our entire lives getting to know him and learning about him and still only scratch the surface. However it is not just important to know the truths about him that Scripture tells us, it is also important to love him as he is because he is glorious and perfect and wonderful.

Additional reading: Micah 7:18

DAY 2:

Recite question and answer then read memory passage.

The answer to the second question begins with talking about God’s authority. He is the creator and sustainer of everyone and everything. He made us. He made the world. He made the universe. He made everything that exists and not only did he make it all, he sustains it all. Everything exists because he upholds everything by the word of his power.

ASK: What does the fact that God created you and everything else mean for how you relate to God?

DISCUSS: The fact that he created everything and everyone means at least three things. First, nothing happened by accident. It was designed and planned and brought into existence by God. We did not evolve from another species. The universe didn’t happen by accident. God planned and made everything. The second thing it means is that as the creator, he has authority over all of his creation. He has the right to tell us what to do and how to live. He has the right to determine what is good and what is evil. He is the King over all creation including you and I. The third thing it means is that we are not self-sufficient. We are created and depend upon God. We don’t sustain our own lives. We don’t bring ourselves into existence. We need God in every area and at every moment of our lives.

READ: John 1:1-3; Genesis 1:27

ASK: Why is it important for us to acknowledge God as our creator and sustainer?

ILLUSTRATE: If you look at a painting, you can see that someone created it. As the creator, the artist has the right to make the painting however he or she wants. The same is true of authors. The author is free to write a story in a world that they imagine and create. They make the rules. The same is true of us. We have been made by God and so we are to live under the authority of God and submit to him. The fact that God created and sustains us means that he is worthy of our praise and worship and obedience.


DAY 3:

Recite question and answer then read memory passage.

Scripture teaches that God created and sustains us and all of creation but what if God was mean or bad? He might have authority over us because he created us yet not be someone we would like to submit to or love or trust. The first part of the answer to question 2 deals with God’s authority and power. The second part of the answer to question 2 deals with the character of God. We find that God is not only powerful but perfectly good and kind and gracious.

ASK: Why does the character of God matter?

ILLUSTRATE: imagine you had a king who ruled over a great kingdom but was mean to his subjects. He was unjust, and unkind and cared nothing about them. That would be a pretty bad kingdom to live in even if the king was powerful. Or imagine if you had a king that was just but the longer he was on the throne, the more corrupt he became until he was evil and wicked.

READ: Psalm 34:8

DISCUSS: God is not like human beings. First, we see that he is unchanging. His character never changes. He is the same God he was yesterday or last year. He is the same between the Old Testament and New Testament. He will be the same for eternity as he has always been. He is also eternal and infinite meaning he has no beginning and no end. He was not created, he just is. He always has been and always will be. There is no end to his power and no beginning. He doesn’t grow more mature or powerful. His personality doesn’t change. He always has been and always will be the same. But what is he like? What is it that doesn’t change? First, his power and perfection don’t change and are infinite and eternal. He is all-powerful. Nothing is too hard for him. He spoke everything into existence. He can do all things. Second, he is perfect. He lacks nothing. He always does what is good and never does what is bad. There is no flaw or shortcoming in him. Third, he is good. Nothing he does is ever bad. All he does is always good. His intentions and motivations are always good and he is always working toward good purposes and achieves them. He is also glorious. He is totally separate and incomparable to anything or anyone. He is perfectly beautiful in all his characteristics and perfections. He is perfect in wisdom. He always knows everything and the right way to act in every situation. He always applies his knowledge perfectly in every situation. He is perfectly just. He always does the right and good thing. He is never unjust and is not corruptable. He never makes mistakes or has incomplete knowledge but he also always renders a just verdict and judgment. He does what is right. He is also perfectly truthful. God cannot lie. He always tells the truth. Finally, he is perfectly sovereign or in control of his creation. He is involved with his creation and directs it. Nothing happens without him doing it and it being according to his plan.

ASK: How do these truths about God help us to trust him? How do they comfort us as we trust him?