Treasuring and Trusting Christ Together

Sermon Archive

COVID-19 Update


As of this last week, the restrictions on groups over 10 people meeting have been extended through the end of April and a verified case of COVID-19 due to travel has been identified in the community of York. The pastors visited together yesterday morning (Tuesday March 31st) and discussed a way forward for us as a church. Here is what you need to know.

Current Ministry Will Continue

  • We will continue to put out the weekly Home Worship Guide on Saturday nights. That can be accessed by clicking here.

  • We will continue to host a mid-week Zoom meeting on Wednesday nights at 7pm. To access that you can click here.

  • We will continue to post live videos of encouragement on our Facebook page throughout the week.

  • We will send the link to the mid-week Zoom meeting on Tuesday and the link to the Home Worship Guide on Friday via email.

  • The pastors will continue to make contact with members and attenders through email, text, phone calls etc… throughout the week.

  • If you need anything, you can call the office. If no one answers, leave a message and that message will go to our email. We will return your call as soon as possible.

  • We are continuing to encourage you to pray through the attender list and make contact with people on that list, especially those you may not know, to encourage them, let them know you are praying for them/find out how you can specifically pray for them, express love for them, and see if there is anything they need.

Additional Steps

  • One of the pastors will be on Facebook Live every Sunday morning at 10:30am and will host a live devotion/encouragement for you to take advantage of. This is in addition to the Home Worship Guide. This will be broadcast live on our Facebook Page.

  • The Middle School students will have weekly Zoom meetings. That information has been sent to the parents. If you have a Middle School student and have not gotten it, please let the office know.

  • Pastor Joe is keeping in regular contact with the High School students.

Final Highlights

  • We miss you all. We miss gathering together. We miss worshiping together. That has been expressed by every pastor and we hope you miss it as well. As soon as the restrictions are lifted, we will begin gathering together for worship on Sunday mornings again.

  • We continue to be available to you. We are intentionally reaching out to check on you, but if you need anything or there is anything we can be praying for, please let us know.

  • We want to encourage you to look for ways to serve/love others in the body. We all have a ministry that God has given us and every person’s ministry is important. I (Jon) have been greatly encouraged as I have heard stories of this kind of love and ministry happening in unique and creative ways during this season.

  • We also want to encourage you to take opportunities to use this situation to share the gospel with others. God has equipped us to make the most of this difficult situation and he will use it to help us grow in our relationship with him (UP), our relationships with one another (IN) and our witness to Christ in our community (OUT). This comes from treasuring and trusting Christ together.

We love you, miss you, and very much look forward to the day when we can all gather together in worship of our great Savior.

Jon Hawkins1 Comment