Treasuring and Trusting Christ Together

Sermon Archive

Home Worship Guide (4-19-2020)

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Overview: This is a guide. It has been designed to help you and can be modified by you however you see fit. Especially for those with younger kids, it might be best to read through this in advance and use elements that will fit the attention span of your kids. 

Main Point: God’s calling and faithfulness provides the ability to live differently and confidence that he will do all that he promises.  

Read: Psalm 100

1 Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! 

2 Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. 

3 Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 

4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. 

5 For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation. (NLT)

Encouragement: There is not much more to say... 

We have a God who is good, who's love cannot fail and who's faithfulness continues for eternity. He is trustworthy.

Trust him today as you walk through this devotion to see what He has for you.


Spend some time praying for the following

  1. Pray that God would bless your time with him

  2. Pray that God would open your heart and enlarge your love for him

  3. Pray that God would show you how he is calling you to respond

Devotion: 1 Thess 5:23-24

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does our relationship with God transform and empower living in a different way?  

  2. How often do you find yourself doing the right thing in the wrong way or with the wrong motive? How often do you find yourself living life dependent upon yourself and not God? 

  3. How does focusing on God relieve the worry, anxiety or uncertainty of life? How do you go about focusing on God when you feel those things creeping in?  

  4. How does God’s calling and faithfulness to his promises stir treasuring and trusting in your heart?   

  5. How does God’s calling and faithfulness to his promises lead to joy and rest? What role does faith play in that?  

  6. If you (or someone you know) find that you have been living life independent of trusting God’s work or that you have been living life without God changing the inside, how should you (or that someone you know) respond? What is the gospel and how does it address this?    

  7. If you see God’s activity in your life causing you to love others and obey from the heart that believes, how has that specifically been manifested in your life? How has God’s work in your heart been shown in your life? 


  1. Our salvation AND living the Christian life in a way that honors God is a result of God’s grace, therefore, flee to God and ask for grace and plead with him to change you more by the power of his Spirit and respond to that leading. (Additional texts for reference: Heb 12:14; Romans 8:13)

  2. Our ability to reflect Christ and the motive to do so is a result of God’s activity in our lives, therefore ask him to increase your love for and fellowship with him and change you more. (Additional texts for reference: 2 Cor 3:12-18; 1 John 1:6; John 15:5)

  3. Our confidence that we will be found blameless is rooted in God’s faithfulness, therefore, look for God’s faithfulness in your life and in his word as the fuel for confidence. (Additional texts for reference: 1 John 1:9; John 20:31; Numbers 23:19)

Respond in Song: Jesus Firm Foundation (Consider discussing how the words of this song connect with the truths you saw in the text after singing).

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